Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Winterizing your Horse

Good article from Michele D. Anderson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoes are important for protection depending on the type of activity the horse is engaged in. Light shoes that weigh about 8 ounces and use only a few nails make the best shoes for most horses. Horses need new shoes every four to eight weeks, depending on how fast their shoes wear out and how fast their hoofs grow. A horse's hoof grows as much as 1/2 inch a month and must be nipped off and leveled. This applies to horses that wear shoes or run only on pasture. Most horseshoes are made of steel or aluminum, but can be varied in form and weight to correct faulty gaits or compensate for defective foot structure. A person who shoes horses, clips hooves, and cleans hooves is called a ferrier. I have been a practicing ferrier for over 30 years.